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Our writing staff is composed of writers that have written or collaborated on many number one hits. 

        MUSIC PRODUCTION   GIG's production staff has built a foundation that meets today's production quality. Our engineers are creative and innovative when it comes to music production.

        BEAT PRODUCTION   GIG houses the production team Beataholic. They are composed of a group of credible producers that can provide any type of production, at any time.

       JINGLE PRODUCTION   A key aspect in the jingle business is to create the proper catchy sound for a promotion. We have an effective process of finding the right combination for any business or product. 

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  jQuery('#mtoogle').toggle( function () { jQuery('#mtoogle').html(''); document.getElementById('playTune').play(); document.getElementById('playTune1').pause(); jQuery('#mtoogle1').html(''); document.getElementById('playTune0').pause(); jQuery('#mtoogle0').html(''); }, function () { jQuery('#mtoogle').html(''); document.getElementById('playTune').pause(); } );    Skully The World is Going Crazy


  jQuery('#mtoogle1').toggle( function () { jQuery('#mtoogle1').html(''); document.getElementById('playTune1').play(); document.getElementById('playTune').pause(); document.getElementById('playTune0').pause(); jQuery('#mtoogle').html(''); jQuery('#mtoogle0').html(''); }, function () { jQuery('#mtoogle1').html(''); document.getElementById('playTune1').pause(); } );    Mia Vernaza Mi Soledad

                       ABOUT US       WE ARE GIG MUSIC GROUP GIG Music Group is an American independent record label, which houses Hip-Hop, Latin Pop, R&B and Reggaeton artists. GIG was founded in 2010 and currently operates out of the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. 

 GIG Music Group's corporate team has been active in the music industry for over 26 years. The management's successes are in the form of nominations and winning awards ranging from the Grammys, American Music Awards, Billboard Awards, Soultrain Awards, MTV Awards, and BET Awards by executives Maquet Robinson (Member of Special Generation) and Obie Bermudez.  They have also been a part of Diamond and Double Platinum Plaques with extensive records sales, which number at 50 million as of October 2016.   GIG provides pure, timeless and original music without sacrificing commercial value.  

               OUR VISION Our vision here at GIG is to provide the world with new and Innovative music. 

          OUR MISSION Our mission is simple, to make great quality music and also help people along the way. 

          OUR STRENGTHS Our strength comes from hard work and dedication from each individual at GIG. 

            join us We have open arms to those that are interested in Joining Us.     .team-member i.fa { font-size:6em;color: red;}      Collaborate Lets Network on a Project.

       Partner Looking to Partner with us?

       Investor Interested in becoming a shareholder?

      Contact Us to find out more information about any of the above opportunities

                NEWSLETTER      Get fresh updates in your mailbox from us. 

     Subscribe           jQuery(function($){ "use strict"; function IsEmail(email) { var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; return regex.test(email); } if($("#f_newsletter").length!=0){ $("#f_newsletter").submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var name = $("#n_name").val(), email = $("#n_email").val(), dataString = 'name=' + name + '&email=' + email; if (name === '' || !IsEmail(email)) { $('#n_response').html('Please Provide Valid Information'); } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "assets/php/submit_newsletter.php", data: dataString, success: function () { //$('#contactform').slideUp(); $('#n_response').html('Your subscription has been sent'); } }); } }); } });    .footer-newslatter p { text-align: center; } .slider-container .cover-wrapper .cover_circle{left:49.85%!important;} h4.title {background: #eee; padding: 10px; text-align: center; color: #000;} figcaption.blackcolor p { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; text-align: center; } .team-member * { text-align: center; 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} p {text-align:justify;}        © Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved. GIG Music Group

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